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Lobster Rolls

According to the history books the very first ‘lobster roll’ on record was created back in the 1920’s. Now while we can’t verify the specifics of its origin we can confirm without question – folks here on Nova Scotia’s South Shore have been loving lobster rolls ever since.

Lobster Crawl Lobster Rolls

Truth be told lobster rolls can be found on the menu of many eating establishments all year long, but when Lobster Crawl rolls around our affinity for the awesome sandwich shifts to full-on passion. So much so that the sensational sandwich is added to many a restaurant menu and a veritable cornucopia of variations can be had as Chef’s put their spin on the crustacean creation with the hopes of winning the festival’s coveted BEST LOBSTER ROLL award.

lobster roll collection

The Lobster Roll Competition is indeed a signature event for the festival and typically falls during the first full weekend of Lobster Crawl. Rest assured however you’ll be free to roll along the Lobster Roll Trail throughout the entire month of Februarywith tons of tasty places to try all the way from Peggy’s Cove to Barrington. And while you’re sure to find many different versions of the roll – they all begin with the finest kind of key ingredients – fresh lobster!

Thanks to all the amazing venues who participated in this year’s Lobster Roll-Off and congratulations to our 2024 ChampsEmerald Light Kitchen & Bar!

2024 Lobster Roll-Off Champs - THE EMERALD LIGHT Kitchen & Bar Shelburne, NS

For all the details on the 2025 LOBSTER ROLL-OFF click HERE!!!